Don't Ever Doubtful Allah
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
When someone already reach the bottom of their life, the situation who can make anyone do something out of their mind, crazy or even kill themselves only because they can not figure it out what is wrong with them? and that happening to me, to myself and this is me want to share all of it on this blog.
in Friday in my mind, inside my brain is full with disappointment and anger, but to whom? to me, to someone or to the Allah? and what is my right to angry with? so I'll try to make myself thinking and thinking what is wrong with me and my life all this time? I think I've done everything the best I can do, even I already "pray" but why there is still no change with me and my life and that make more depress and lost my idea.
Finally I have the conclusion of myself which is all this time I've done something because I want something in return, not because of that was is my responsible or I think I already do because of my responsible and not hope something in return but the fact, the way I do, the way I think is different, inside my heart I still want something in return not because that what I have to do without thinking what is the return for me, and that's the beginning of the mistaken I've done.
as a Moslem I have to think the way I've been told on Holy Qur'an and Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. and all this time I just ignore them and just do and do without knowing the direction of this life. I realize that I believe in Allah but what I do, I act and I think is different. I'm still questioning myself about Allah, is Allah will help me, is that right or no, and the worst is I think there is no more hope for me because Allah will not help me.
But all of those mind now I'll try to remove from this head, this heart and this life. Because when you believe Allah then you have to trust Allah fully not half or quarter, and that is not an option. the way you think, you do, you act you talk is because you believe Allah and Allah teach you on Holy Qur'an. Believe is one thing very hard to do but when you already do that that's the first step you've been made to continuing.
So, no matter what your problem is just return it to Allah, because all the key of the problem is belong to Allah and we have to ask Allah to solve the problem and of course there is the rule to do that and I will explain that in the next chance, insya Allah. This Is Me and once you believe Allah, don't you ever doubtful Allah because the way we think is what Allah give to us. Thanks to visiting and hope Allah will bless all of us.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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