Sunday, February 21, 2010

This Is Me the Poor Man who can make his family happy

This blog I made to tell the world who I'm and this is me and the real me. I want to tell the world what is my problem and hope God will help me through this hard life, for me. This month is really hard for me, I don't know what to do anymore. From years to years always been like this, and always the money is the main problems. When I have to rent other house again, I have to spend a lot of money, the money that I've been saving all this one whole year.

I wish I'm a rich man, may be I don't have to rent a house, I can buy a house for me and my family so I don't have to spend money to rent a house again, but what can I do? what I can do is rent a house, I don't have enough money to buy it or even to credit it. not mention what I have to give money to my wife to use for the needs everyday for one month, is always been not enough for us, but we try to make that enough. If my store or rental not too much visitor who buy stuff from me or service they computer, so may be that day I can't earn anything.

I'm very confuse with this situation and it's happen again and again. Not mean I don't learn from the other years but what happen is always like this, is that God doesn't love me? or is God want me to do something that I don't know? I don't know really I don't know what to do anymore. Every possibility to gain the money I already do (may be) because this is me, the one who want to do anything to fill what my family needs.

I don't know who is fault if this happen, may be I'm too stupid to become a rich man or at least to become someone who can make his family happy without nothing less. sometimes I have to keep the money very tight and carefully so I don't buy something not worth but some how that money can be used for something and I really don't understand that.

God help me, I don't know to whom I have to begging for help, what I know is only You who never give up on me and I believe You know me the whole me and please forgive me, I know I'm the one a lot of sin and please have mercy for me, I don't know what I have to do when I have to face this reality. and this is me, the poor man who can make his family happy and I'm really sorry for it.

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